The good, bad and ugly of my first webinar ๐Ÿ’ป
Nedra Rezinas Nedra Rezinas

The good, bad and ugly of my first webinar ๐Ÿ’ป

Put yourself out there and get the first one over with! Itโ€™s that simple, just do it. Also, get feedback, I didnโ€™t do that with my first couple of presentations, I was too nervous. Getting feedback will help you improve (now I ask for feedback!) and know what your audience liked and what you can improve on.

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Don't Go It Alone
Nedra Rezinas Nedra Rezinas

Don't Go It Alone

This is the power of learning from someone who knows what they're talking about. This is the power of not trying to do everything yourself. For some reason, us humans want to figure everything out on our own!

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Behind the Scenes - How to Market an AirBnB ๐Ÿ‘
Nedra Rezinas Nedra Rezinas

Behind the Scenes - How to Market an AirBnB ๐Ÿ‘

I want to focus the marketing aspects of an AirBnb Short Term Rental because I know many of you scratch your head with your unique businesses and wonder how the heck do I market and get clients for my services/experiences. This is going to be a great breakdown!

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Are you an Obliger or an Upholder?
Nedra Rezinas Nedra Rezinas

Are you an Obliger or an Upholder?

Gretchen Rubin developed this system called the Four Tendencies. She also likes to study behavior and habits. Gretchen discovered folks โ€œHow do I respond to expectations?โ€, you can learn a lot about yourself. Expectations include outer expectations such as a work deadline and inner expectations such as eating better.

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Leveraging LinkedIn to Generate Leads and Referrals
Nedra Rezinas Nedra Rezinas

Leveraging LinkedIn to Generate Leads and Referrals

Over the years, Iโ€™ve met a lot of leads and referral partners on LinkedIn. I define a referral partner as someone who trusts me enough to recommend me to their client, friend or colleague to solve a problem. Hereโ€™s some of my go-to tips to share how to connect with potential clients and referral partners on LinkedIn.

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